
(Sebuah Solusi Keterjangkauan Pendidikan)
Disusun Oleh:
Angga Fuja W.*
Arif Nurahman*
Bambang Achdiyat*
Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Indonesia University of Education
Follower Open Course Ware at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, USA
Department of Physics
Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering
"That for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction"
-"Isaac Newton"-
"...there are no simple answers
to how education can contribute
towards disarmament and development.
But increasing awareness through education
seems to be a way towards the kind of mobilisation
that is necessary..."
-"Magnus Haavelsrud, Norwegian peace educator"-
Buku Teks Pelajaran Murah
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Depdiknas)
Disampaikan oleh:
Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia
Di Jakarta, 20 Agustus 2008
Pemerintah melalui Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia dengan penuh rasa gembira dan bangga menyuguhkan sejumlah buku teks pelajaran layak-pakai yang hak ciptanya telah dilmiliki Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran tersebut tersedia di situs Depdiknas yang diberi nama Situs Buku Sekolah Elektronik yang disingkat BSE atau e-Book. Jumlah seluruhnya saat ini ada empat ratus tujuh (407) judul buku dan Insya Allah setiap tahunnya akan bertambah.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai kelayakan pakainya oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) dan telah ditetapkan sebagai Buku Teks pelajaran yang memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional (Permendiknas) Nomor 46 Tahun 2007, Permendiknas Nomor 12 Tahun 2008, Permendiknas Nomor 34 Tahun 2008, dan Permendiknas Nomor 41 Tahun 2008.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dimiliki hak ciptanya oleh Depdiknas ini dapat digandakan, dicetak, difotokopi, dialihmediakan, dan/atau diperdagangkan oleh perseorangan, kelompok orang, dan/atau badan hukum dalam rangka menjamin akses dan harga buku yang terjangkau oleh masyarakat. Masyarakat dapat pula mengunduh (down load) langsung dari internet jika memiliki perangkat komputer yang tersambung dengan internet, serta menyimpan file buku teks pelajarann tersebut.
Untuk penggandaan yang bersifat komersial, harga penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah. Pemerintah berharap melalui Program Masal Buku Murah ini, buku teks pelajaran lebih mudah diakses sehingga peserta didik dan pendidik di seluruh
Selamat belajar. Selamat mereguk ilmu, pengetahuan, dan teknologi melalui Buku Teks Pelajaran yang bermutu dan terjangkau.
(Prof. Dr. Bambang Sudibyo, MBA)
Guru Besar Universitas Gadjah Mada yang juga mantan Menteri Keuangan RI, Saat ini menjabat sebagai Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
Selamat Datang di Dunia Tanpa Kertas
An e-book (for electronic book: also ebook) is the digital media equivalent of a conventional printed book. Such documents are usually read on personal computers, or on dedicated hardware devices known as e-book readers or e-book devices.
An e-book is a specialized type of e-text.
Many cell phones can also be used to read ebooks.
Digital media (as opposed to analog media) usually refers to electronic media that work on digital codes. Today, computing is primarily based on the binary numeral system. In this case digital refers to the discrete states of "0" and "1" for representing arbitrary data.
Computers are machines that (usually) interpret binary digital data as information and thus represent the predominating class of digital information processing machines. Digital media ("Formats for presenting information" according to Wiktionary:Media) like digital audio, digital video and other digital "content" can be created, referred to and distributed via digital information processing machines. Digital media represents a profound change from previous (analog) media.
Digital data is per se independent of its interpretation (hence representation). An arbitrary sequence of digital code like "0100 0001" might be interpreted as the decimal number 65, the hexadecimal number 41 or the glyph "A". See also: ASCII, Code.
SELAMAT datang di era paperless.
Abad ke-21, sebuah era di mana kertas sudah tidak terlalu diperlukan lagi dalam dokumentasi. Di seluruh dunia, termasuk
Noerrachman Saleh, Konsultan Dokumen Astragraphia menjelaskan bahwa kebutuhan akan e-document di masa kini sudah tidak terelakkan lagi. ”Orang lebih suka menyimpan data secara elektronik sebab pengolahannya lebih mudah. Selain itu problem sampah kertas dan keterbatasan tempat penyimpanan juga menjadi alasan tersendiri,” jelas Noer dalam sebuah seminar di Tasikmalaya.
Segala jenis pengetahuan di dunia ini pada dasarnya tersimpan pada tempatnya masing-masing. Sebagian besar, yaitu 42 persen, tersimpan dalam otak manusia. Lalu sebanyak 24 persen tersimpan dalam bentuk dokumen kertas. Baru disusul dalam bentuk dokumen elektronik sebesar 22 persen. Terakhir, ada pengetahuan yang ditampung dalam elektronik database, yaitu sebesar 12 persen. Demikian data yang dihimpun
Metode konvensional mengenalkan kita pada penyimpanan data dengan buku atau kertas. Diawali dengan perpustakaan tradisional, yaitu kumpulan buku tanpa katalog. Berkembang kemudian menjadi perpustakaan semi modern, di mana katalog dilakukan secara manual.
Lalu ada pula katalog secara komputer.
Di era TI, lahir yang disebut dengan perpustakaan digital. Lalu yang paling canggih adalah perpustakaan virtual, ketika semua koleksi buku bisa diakses melalui internet.Yang terakhir ini bukan lagi sekedar konsep, melainkan sudah menjadi kenyataan. Sudah cukup banyak perpustakaan online di negara maju.
Untuk menuju ke arah perpustakaan virtual ini, terlebih dulu kita harus mengenal teknologi bagaimana dokumen pada sehelai kertas bisa diolah menjadi database komputer. Secara teknis, proses terciptanya sebuah e-document tidak terlalu rumit. Manfaat dari e-document salah satunya adalah minimalisasi tempat. Bayangkan, setumpukan data atau buku bisa dirangkum menjadi sebuah disket kecil (Flash Disk).
Noer menjelaskan bagaimana proses ini berjalan. Pertama, semua dokumentasi kertas melalui sistem scanning untuk bisa ditampakan dalam komputer. Dari sini bisa diolah lagi mana dokumen yang benar-benar penting atau tidak. Klasifikasi ini disebut dengan sistem verification. Dari sini menuju ke proses index, yaitu pengelompokan daftar isi yang ditujukan untuk memudahkan pencarian data. Dalam indexing ini dilakukan kategorisasi berupa tipe dokumen, tanggal, nama pembuat serta kata kunci.
Noer menjelaskan dalam sistem indexing bisa dilakukan dengan metode manual atau otomatis.
Setelah itu barulah di-release dalam bentuk disket atau CD ROM maupun hard disk.
Pada bentuk terakhir, data bisa diformat dalam bentuk HTML, Acrobat, Word atau ASCII.
”Walaupun ada yang optimis dengan paperless, ada pula yang tidak. Pada kenyataannya jumlah kertas di dunia ini terus meningkat. Ini membuktikan bahwa informasi sudah sedemikian membanjir, baik yang tersimpan secara elektronik maupun kertas,” kata Noer.
Perpustakaan Digital
A digital library is a library in which collections are stored in digital formats (as opposed to print, microform, or other media) and accessible by computers. The digital content may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system.
The first use of the term digital library in print may have been in a 1988 report to the Corporation for National Research Initiatives, The term digital libraries was first popularized by the NSF/DARPA/NASA Digital Libraries Initiative in 1994. The older names electronic library or virtual library are also occasionally used, though electronic library nowadays more often refers to portals, often provided by government agencies, as in the case of the Florida Electronic Library. The DELOS Digital Library Reference Model defines a digital library as:
"An organization, which might be virtual, that comprehensively collects, manages and preserves for the long term rich digital content, and offers to its user communities specialised functionality on that content, of measurable quality and according to codified policies."
Astragraphia merupakan usaha jasa dokumentasi digital yang telah lama bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi (KRT) dalam mengembangkan proyek Warung Informasi dan Teknologi (Warintek).
Sejak tahun 2000 mereka mengolah
data dan koneksi Warintek antara Sentra Informasi Perpustakaan Digital Iptek Nasional dengan sejumlah perguruan tinggi dan pengguna umum Warintek. Salah satunya adalah Universitas Siliwangi (Unsil), Tasikmalaya,
Jawa Barat.
Warintek Unsil yang berdiri resmi pada Juni 2001 ini merupakan sebuah program pemberdayaan masyarakat yang dikembangkan oleh KRT dengan cara menyediakan fasilitas TI. Perpustakaan Unsil sendiri bisa dikategorikan sebagai perpustakaan digital, di mana sistem katalognya telah dilakukan dengan komputer.
Menurut Drs. Yoni Dharmawan, Kepala Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis Perpustakaan Unsil yang membawahi Warintek, selain menyediakan sarana TI mereka juga mempunyai beberapa program.
”Kami mengadakan pelatihan staf perpustakaan untuk materi CDS/ISIS selama satu minggu. Instrukturnya berasal dari Institut Pertanian Bogor (IBP). Materinya meliputi pembuatan basis data baru, pemasukan data, penyuntingan data, penelusuran data, pembuatan file dan pencetakan,” jelas Yoni.
Program lain adalah pengembangan basis data koleksi perpustakaan dan katalog online. Di sini, staf perpustakaan diharap bisa membangun basis data koleksi yang nantinya akan disediakan kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk katalog komputer. Pembimbing dan instrukturnya berasal dari IPB. Saat ini sudah terbangun basis data sebanyak 2400 entri. Penambahan terus dilakukan oleh staf perpustakaan dengan laju penambahan rata-rata 100 entri per minggu.
Program berkut adalah pelatihan browsing internet dan email. Staf perpustakaan dan Warintek dibekali pengetahuan yang berhubungan dengan internet agar bisa melayani masyarakat pengguna dengan baik.Yoni juga menyebut adanya program pengembangan basis data teknologi tepat guna, pelatihan internet bagi dosen, mahasiswa maupun masyarakat umum.
Menurut penuturan Roni, petugas Warintek Unsil, pengunjung Warintek lumayan ramai. ”Setiap saat selalu saja ada yang datang, baik dari mahasiswa maupun orang luar,” ungkap pemuda yang sudah
Namun Roni menekankan bahwa
- ^ Greenstein, Daniel I., Thorin, Suzanne Elizabeth. The Digital Library: A Biography. Digital Library Federation (2002) ISBN 1933645180. Accessed June 25, 2007.
- ^ Kahn, R. E., & Cerf, V. G. (1988). The Digital Library Project Volume I: The World of Knowbots, (DRAFT): An Open Architecture For a Digital Library System and a Plan For Its Development. Reston, VA: Corporation for National Research Initiatives.
- ^ Edward A. Fox. The Digital Libraries Initiative - Update and Discussion, Bulletin of the America Society of Information Science, Vol. 26, No 1, October/November 1999.
- ^ L. Candela et al: The DELOS Digital Library Reference Model - Foundations for Digital Libraries. Version 0.98, February 2008 (PDF)
- ^ Koehler, AEC. Some Thoughts on the Meaning of Open Access for University Library Technical Services Serials Review Vol. 32, 1, 2006, p. 17
- ^ "The DSpace team recognized the value of the OAIS framework and recast the repository’s architecture to accommodate this archival framework" {{{author}}}, MIT's DSpace experience: a case study, [[{{{publisher}}}]], 2004.
- ^ Agosti, M., Candela, L., Castelli, D., Ferro, N., Ioannidis, Y., Koutrika, G., Meghini, C., Pagano, P., Ross, S., Schek, H.-J., & Schuldt, H. (2006). A Reference Model for DLMSs Interim Report. In L. Candela, & D. Castelli (Eds.), Deliverable D1.4.2 - Reference Model for Digital Library Management Systems [Draft 1]. DELOS, A Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries -- IST-2002-, Technology-enhanced Learning and Access to Cultural Heritage. Online at: =1
- ^ Gonçalves, M. A., Fox, E. A., Watson, L. T., & Kipp, N. A. (2004). Streams, Structures, Spaces, Scenarios, Societies (5S): A Formal Model for Digital Libraries. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS),22 (2), 270-312.
- ^ Committee on Institutional Cooperation: Partnership announced between CIC and Google, 6 June 2007, Retrieved 7 July 2007.
- ^ European Commission steps up efforts to put Europe’s memory on the Web via a “European Digital Library” Europa press release, 2 March 2006
- ^ Gertz, Janet. "Selection for Preservation in the Digital Age." Library Resources & Technical Services. 44(2) (2000):97-104.
- ^ Cain, Mark. “Managing Technology: Being a Library of Record in a Digital Age”, Journal of Academic Librarianship 29:6 (2003).
- ^ Gertz, Janet. "Selection for Preservation in the Digital Age: An Overview." Library Resources & Technical Services 44(2) (2000):97-104.
- ^ Cain, Mark. “Managing Technology: Being a Library of Record in a Digital Age”, Journal of Academic Librarianship 29:6 (2003).
- ^ Breeding, Marshall. “Preserving Digital Information.”. Information Today 19:5 (2002).
- ^ Teper, Thomas H. "Where Next? Long-Term Considerations for Digital Initiatives." Kentucky Libraries 65(2)(2001):12-18.
- ^ Pymm, Bob. "Building Collections for All Time: The Issue of Significance." Australian Academic & Research Libraries. 37(1) (2006):61-73.
- ^ Antique Books
- ^ Kelly, Kevin (2006-05-14). "Scan This Book!", New York Times Magazine. Retrieved on 2008-03-07. "When Google announced in December 2004 that it would digitally scan the books of five major research libraries to make their contents searchable, the promise of a universal library was resurrected. ... From the days of Sumerian clay tablets till now, humans have "published" at least 32 million books, 750 million articles and essays, 25 million songs, 500 million images, 500,000 movies, 3 million videos, TV shows and short films and 100 billion public Web pages."
- ^ Stanford Copyright & Fair Use - Digital Preservation and Copyright by Peter B. Hirtle
See also
- List of digital library projects
- DELOS - European Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries
- Digital obsolescence
- Digital preservation
- Dynamic web page
- European Conference on Digital Libraries
- Electronic journal
- Institutional Repository
- Library of Congress Digital Library project
- National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
- National repository
- Open Content Alliance
- Repository (publishing)
- Storage Resource Broker
- Book scanning
- Optical character recognition
- Digital Collections Selection Criteria
- Intellectual Property and Art Digitization
External links
- Digital library article at LISWiki, a Library and information science wiki
- Malte Herwig; "Putting The World's Books On The Web"
- BRICKS Building Resources for Integrated Cultural Knowledge Services
- CNRI-DARPA: D-Lib Magazine Electronic publication that primarily focuses on digital library research and development
- DLEEX - user made digital library with online-reading service
- DLI Digital Libraries Initiative web page
- REnKnow.Net Renewable Energies Knowledge - Transfer Network
- The Scope of the Digital Library
- Online version of Internetworking Technologies by Rahul Banerjee
Deals with the architectures of leading digital libraries in the world (chapter 10) - RAS metadata repository based framework for reusable software assets
- Digital Libraries, a book by William Y. Arms
- IR Research, A collection of works regarding Institutional Repositories
- IFLA Digital Libraries, resources and projects
- PADI (Preserving Access to Digital Information) - A National Library of Australia initiative; PADI is a subject gateway to international digital preservation resources.
- DigitalPreservationEurope - An EU project for digital preservation practices
- ECDL - European Conference on Digital Libraries
- ICADL - International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries
- JCDL - ACM and IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries
National and international archives
- Akhter Hameed Khan Digital Library - Islamabad by Ata ur Rehman
- Azerbaijan Electronic Library Network (Kitab.Az) Azerbaijan's online network of electronic catalogues
- The eGranary Digital Library Millions of digital resources for those with inadequate Internet connectivity
- Gallica Digital library of the Bibliothèque National de France (in French).
- The Library of Congress, Digital Preservation
- National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
Online library of resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and research - PIONIER Digital Libraries - Network of digital libraries in Poland
- UK Higher Education & Research Libraries - A link list maintained at Exeter University by Ian Tilsed.
- National Library of Australia - Digital Collections.
- Project GutenbergLibrary of over 17,000 free e books.
- Digital Library of India Free-to-read, searchable collection of one million books, predominantly in Indian languages.
- PANDORA - Australia's Web Archive - A collection of Australian online publications, developed by the National Library of Australia and Partners.
- VIDYA - Amrita University's Web Archive designed and built by Ajai Narendran - An extensive collection of learning material comprising of Audio and Video lectures collected from across the globe. This unique attempt at locally archiving quality learning material brought in a global touch to learning and redefined teaching & learning at Amrita University, Coimbatore, India. This initiative was presented at the Amrita International Colloquium on Digital Libraries (ACDL-2005). Vidya Story opens up new path ways to creating low cost web archives
Book archives
- UPenn: The Online Books Page Search for free online books by author, title, keyword, etc.
- BookGlutton Read and share free online books.
- Asiaing: News on free online books Collection of free ebooks.
- Internet Public Library Search for free online books by author, title, keyword, etc.
- pdfbooks.co.za A project to convert many of Project Gutenberg's books to PDF format.
- Llyfrau o'r Gorffennol / Books from the Past Collection of Welsh books of national cultural interest which have long been out of print.
- Google Book Search Search for books from numerous sources. Full text available for works in the public domain.
Major subject archives
- The American Journeys Project a digital library whose contents center on the exploration of North America.
- Biodiversity Heritage Library - major collection of open access taxonomic literature from Linnaeus through current (600,000 plus pages)
- Core Historical Literature of Agriculture (CHLA) Agricultural texts published between ca. 1850-1950, selected by scholars for their historical importance.
- European Navigator: The first Digital Library on the history of the European Union
- dLIST dLIST: Digital Library of Information Science and Technology, an open access archive of Information Sciences materials
- ETANA - Electronic Tools and Ancient Near Eastern Archives Electronic library for the Ancient Near East
- Home Economics Archive: Research, Tradition and History (HEARTH) Home Economics and related texts published between ca. 1850-1950, selected by scholars for their historical importance.
- Kabbalah Digital Library One of the largest multi-language collections of ancient and modern Kabbalistic writings.
- The International Children's Digital Library
- The Internet Classics Archive Ancient Greek and Latin texts (plus some Chinese and Persian) with English translations.
- Library of Congress, Web Capture
- OpenMED@NIC Open access archive of Medical and Allied Sciences.
- The ACM Portal a digital library containing the full-text repository of papers that have been published by the Association for Computing Machinery.
- NYPL Digital Library Collections from the New York Public Library covering Black culture and experience, history, literature, maps and more.
- Marine PhotoBank a leading visual resource that enables people from all over the planet to collect, share and download marine photos, images and graphics that shed light on how humans have affected life in the ocean.
- Repurposing Open Source Software for Agile Digital Image Library Development
- Digital Commons: Hosted Repository Platform
- University of Southampton: E-Prints for Digital Repositories
- MIT & HP: DSpace digital repository
- UNESCO: Greenstone Digital Library Software
- Search engines that include public digital libraries
- DL-Harvest DL-Harvest, an open access aggregator for Information Sciences
- BRICKS Framework BRICKS open-source framework for Digital Libraries
- Digital Library eXtension Service University of Michigan, Digital Library eXtension Service — digital library software system for full text books, image databases, finding aids, bibliographic data, etc.
- Fedora Commons Open source digital object repository and community.
- DSpace Open source digital object repository and community.
- Digital Preservation Management an online tutorial, developed by Cornell University Library, about Digital Preservation and the implementation of short-term strategies for long-term problems.
- Agrega is a federation of repositories of the spaninsh education community
E-book readers may be specifically designed for that purpose, or intended for other purposes as well. The term is restricted to hardware devices, not software programs.
Specialized devices have the advantage of doing one thing well. Specifically, they tend to have the right screen size, battery lifespan, lighting and weight. A disadvantage of such devices is that they are often expensive when compared to generic devices such as laptops and PDAs.
Prominent examples include:
- Plastic Logic (2009 estimate)[6]
- Kindle by Amazon (2007)
- Cybook Gen3 by Bookeen (2007)
- Hanlin eReader by Jinke (distributed as "Lbook" in Ukraine, Russia, Estonia and Kazakhstan, and as "BeBook" in Europe) (2007)
- Sony Reader by Sony (2006)
- iLiad by iRex (2006)
- Librié by Sony (2004)
See also
- Accessible publishing
- Blook
- Digital edition
- Digital library
- Expanded Books
- Electronic Publishing
- List of digital library projects
- Networked book
- OpenBerg
- OverDrive, Inc.
- OpenReader Consortium
- Project Gutenberg
- Safari Books Online
- Webserial
- ^ http://ivan.web.id/documents/32.html; http://www.economist.com/business/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9231860
- ^ Giving It Away - Forbes.com
- ^ For instance the screen resolution of Amazon Kindle is 167 ppi versus 600-2400 ppi for a typical laser printer.
- ^ How authors can take advantage of ebooks.
- ^ The Book Standard is closed
- ^ DEMOfall 2008: Plastic Logic's Reader Is Thinner, Less Ugly Than Kindle, By Brian X. Chen, Wired, September 08, 2008
- Jacob Hiller (Sept 28, 2008). How authors can take advatange of ebooks., The Automated Ebook
- Doctorow, Cory (February 12, 2004). Ebooks: Neither E, Nor Books, O'Reilly Emerging Technologies Conference
- James, Bradley (November 20, 2002). The Electronic Book: Looking Beyond the Physical Codex, SciNet
- Lynch, Clifford (May 28, 2001). The Battle to Define the Future of the Book in the Digital World, First Monday - Peer reviewed journal on the Internet
- Read An E-book Week [1]
- Menta, Robert (December 26, 2000). Read an e-book to your child, go to jail?, MP3 Newswire
- Pastore, Michael (January 28, 2008). 30 Benefits of Ebooks, Epublishers Weekly
- Flint, Eric (2000). "Building the Baen Free Library". Retrieved on 2007-07-19.
External links
Buku Sekolah Elektronik dari BSE untuk SD/MI
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Download Buku Sekolah Elektronik Untuk SMP/MTs Gratis Kelas 7, 8, 9. untuk download silahkan klik link-link di bawah ini :
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Kelas 10
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1. Penggagas Sistem Sekolah Berbasis Lingkungan di Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten
2. Founder The
(Ketiganya adalah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika FPMIPA Universitas Pendidikan
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