Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Asyiknya Meneliti

Mari Kita Mengenalkan Penelitian pada Anak-Anak

ICYS (International Conference of Young Scientist)

International competitions play an important role in the education of highly talented secondary school students opening new possibilities to extend their knowledge in sciences.

There are many types of competitions, the International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS) is a is a special type of individual competition, in physics, mathematics, computer science and ecology for 14-18 year-old secondary school students. Every participant has to prepare a research report on a subject chosen by herself/himself from any part of the above mentioned sciences. The language of these ten-minute reports is English and an international jury evaluates and rewards the presentations.

Every year generally 60-70 lectures are delivered in 4 section on the Conference. This kind of competitions has importance in teaching the students:

  • to do research work,
  • to present and discuss their own results,
  • to formulate research reports,
  • to give presentation in foreign languages
“Cita-cita saya adalah menjadi orang yang luar biasa dengan segala keterbatasan saya, Membaahagiakan Orang Tua, membuat mereka bangga, dan Saya ingin menjadi inspirasi semua orang di dunia”
~Luthfi Mu’awan~

Ucapan Terima Kasih Kepada:

Luthfi Mu’awan

Desa Penaruban RT 2 RW 1, Kecamatan Bukateja, Kabupaten Purbalingga, Jawa Tengah. Kode Pos 53382

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