Selasa, 17 November 2009

Ada Apa Dengan TOEFL?

Mari Belajar TOEFL

If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request.


When transforming statements, check whether you have to change:
  • pronouns
  • present tense verbs (3rd person singular)
  • place and time expressions
  • tenses (backshift)
Type Example
direct speech “I speak English.”
reported speech
(no backshift)
He says that he speaks English.
reported speech
He said that he spoke English.


Ferra Wulandari D. S.

Lintang Meidita Pribadi


1. Ibu. Dra. Hj. Mimin Aminah, M.Pd.

2. Bpk. Yusuf Kurniawan, S.Pd.

3. Ibu. Hikmah, S.Pd.

Ucapan Terima Kasih:

1. Bpk. Ahmad Bukhori, S.Pd. M.A.
(English Department of Indonesia University of Education)

2. Balai Bahasa Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Balai Bahasa | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

3. The British Institute
The British Institute - Study English with the Best

Semoga Bermanfaat dan Terima Kasih

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