Selasa, 13 April 2010

Latihan Soal UMB PTN 2010

UMB-2010 PTN held for selection of prospective students in the 12 (twelve) State University:

Perjuangan Adik-adik pelajar kelas 3 SMA / MA dan SMK di Ujian Nasional memang sudah usai, kami berharap semoga Adinda semua lulus dengan hasil yang baik. Hal ini tidak berarti Anda terlena karena tugas masih banyak diantaranya adalah mengikuti UMB PTN 2010 yaitu Ujian Masuk Bersama Perguruan Tinggi Negeri yang dislenggarakan oleh P-SPMBN (Perhimpuan Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Nusantara) sebagai organ penyelenggara seleksi dan penerimaan mahasiswa baru pada perguruan tinggi negeri di Indonesia. Informasi ini berlaku juga untuk Alumni SMA dan yang sederajat Lulusan tahun 2009 dan 2008.

  1. Universitas Syiah Kuala - Banda Aceh (
  2. Universitas Malikussaleh - Lhokseumawe (
  3. Universitas Sumatera Utara - Medan (
  4. Universitas Andalas - Padang (
  5. Universitas Negeri Padang - Padang (
  6. Universitas Jambi - Jambi (
  7. Universitas Negeri Jakarta - Jakarta (
  8. Universitas Indonesia - Jakarta (
  9. Universitas Islam Negeri Jakarta - Jakarta (
  10. Universitas Negeri Semarang - Semarang (
  11. Universitas Palangka Raya - Palangka Raya (
  12. Universitas Islam Negeri Makassar - Makassar (

Drill of UMB PTN Test materials consist of:

Basic Capabilities consisting of:

  1. Basic Math Problem,

  2. Problem Indonesian, and

  3. Problem English.

The ability of IPA consists of:

  1. Problem of Mathematics,

  2. Problems of Biology,

  3. Problems in Physics, and

  4. Problem chemistry.

IPS capabilities consists of:

  1. Problems of Economics,

  2. About History, and

  3. Problem Geography.

Registration is done online by first paying the registration fee to the BNI bank branches in the city nearest you. The registration fee for selected groups of IPA or IPS is Rp. 200.000, - whereas for the choice of IPC groups Rp. 225,000, - Each participant can choose a maximum of three elective courses spread over 12 PTN. Study program selection mode can be viewed at here.

Bank BNI will provide Registration Number and PIN that will be used to perform online registration on this site.

Payment can be made starting date: February 22, 2010 until the date of May 19, 2010.
Online registration can be done starting date: April 12, 2010 until the date of May 19, 2010.
Written test will be held in Banda Aceh, Lhokseumawe, Medan, Pekanbaru, Jambi, Jakarta, Bandung, Bekasi, Makassar, Padang, Cirebon, Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Tangerang, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Palangkaraya and Surabaya on May 22, 2010.
Announcement of selection results by using the online registration each participant's account on June 8, 2010.

Following Scholarship Exam (BMU)

BMU is a mechanism for awarding scholarships to attend the Joint Entrance Examination for selection of State University. BMU applications made by schools that receive SPMB disposition of the assembly in which every school can register a max of three (3) those participants to obtain the BMU.

Schools can contact the association at SPMB
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430th
Phone: (021) 3101906, 31930339, 3160347
Fax: (021) 31930328
email: pspmbn [at]

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