Around 1960, the institution that is in the area Banyumas new level to the High School Level of both general and vocational. While the public interest and desire to achieve a higher education, has been increasing. At that time, the SMTA will graduate education, should be forced to find outside the region Banyumas. This is only affordable by the SMTA graduates, whose parents are willing and able membiayainya. Then the idea arose through community leaders, both formal and informal, to establish the University in the area of Banyumas. The idea is dirintis start with: 1. The Committee formed the Faculty of Agriculture on 10 February 1961, as the fetus or the capital base in the area of Banyumas UnSoed based in Purwokerto. 2. Establish a foundation called the Foundation to the Pembina UnSoed, Akte Notaris number with: 32 on 20 November 1961. Top terbentuknya Pembina Foundation UnSoed, then all the tasks and obligations and property rights committee of the Faculty of Agriculture, submitted to the Pembina Foundation UnSoed. Founder of the efforts of the Faculty of Agriculture, followed by the Foundation and the Pembina UnSoed, successfully established the Faculty of Agriculture, and for a while under the auspices of Diponegoro University, located in Purwokerto, with PTIP Minister Decree number 121, dated 20 September 1962. After the Faculty of Agriculture stood Banyumas increasingly vibrant community to establish a University. This was the mengalirnya variety of assistance, such as moral and material from all over the Karesidenan Banyumas (District Banyumas, Cilacap, Banjarnegara Purbalingga and District). Pembina Foundation Board UnSoed Society and the leaders, both formal and informal, try contacting figures University (UGM, IPB and UNDIP) and Head of the Department of PTIP, the head region of Central Java Level I, Chief Land Forces and other institutions-institutions, in efforts to establish a University. In addition to the assistance of various parties, and for the grace of God Almighty, on 23 September 1963, was born in the State University of Banyumas UnSoed with the name, which is based in Purwokerto, with Presidential Decree No. RI. 195 tangggal 23 September 1963 and Decree No Minister PTIP. 153, dated 25 November 1963.
No. | Region | Level | College | Programme | Decrees No. | Years Decree | Rank | Expired |
1 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Produksi Ternak | 012 | 2003 | A | 2008-07-09 |
2 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Sosial Ekonomi Peternakan | 012 | 2003 | B | 2008-07-09 |
3 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak | 012 | 2003 | B | 2008-07-09 |
4 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Sosiologi | 017 | 2005 | A | 2010-10-13 |
5 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Pemuliaan Tanaman | 007 | 2005 | B | 2010-06-08 |
6 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Politik | 021 | 2005 | B | 2010-11-17 |
7 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Manajemen | 020 | 2005 | B | 2010-10-27 |
8 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Agribisnis Pertanian | 006 | 2005 | B | 2010-06-23 |
9 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Biologi | 004 | 2006 | A | 2011-06-01 |
10 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Hukum | 028 | 2006 | A | 2011-01-26 |
11 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Ekonomi Pertanian | 012 | 2006 | A | 2011-08-24 |
12 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Akuntansi | 010 | 2006 | B | 2011-09-01 |
13 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Teknik Pertanian | 019 | 2006 | B | 2011-12-08 |
14 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan (IESP) | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
15 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Budidaya Perairan | 018 | 2006 | B | 2011-11-02 |
16 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Kesekretariatan | 008 | 2006 | B | 2011-08-10 |
17 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Bisnis Internasional | 009 | 2006 | B | 2011-08-24 |
18 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Administrasi Keuangan | 010 | 2006 | B | 2011-09-01 |
19 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Manajemen Sumber Daya Perairan | 019 | 2006 | B | 2011-12-08 |
20 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Teknik Elektro | 018 | 2006 | B | 2011-11-02 |
21 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat | 004 | 2006 | B | 2011-06-01 |
22 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Pendidikan Dokter | 017 | 2006 | B | 2011-10-19 |
23 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Teknik Sipil | 019 | 2006 | B | 2011-12-08 |
24 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Hukum | 018 | 2006 | B | 2011-12-08 |
25 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Administrasi | 018 | 2006 | B | 2011-12-08 |
26 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Sumber Daya Ternak | 014 | 2006 | B | 2011-10-05 |
27 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ekonomi Pembangunan | 016 | 2006 | B | 2011-10-19 |
28 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ekonomi Manajemen | 013 | 2006 | B | 2011-09-21 |
29 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Tanah | 006 | 2007 | B | 2012-03-09 |
30 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Agronomi | 011 | 2007 | B | 2012-05-26 |
31 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Teknologi Hasil Pertanian | 001 | 2007 | B | 2012-01-13 |
32 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Perikanan | 007 | 2007 | B | 2012-08-11 |
33 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan | 011 | 2007 | B | 2012-05-26 |
34 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Bahasa Inggris | 008 | 2007 | B | 2012-08-18 |
35 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Perencanaan Sumber Daya Lahan | 005 | 2007 | B | 2012-07-10 |
36 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Manajemen | 013 | 2007 | B | 2012-08-03 |
37 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Sains dan Ilmu Lingkungan | 006 | 2007 | B | 2012-03-09 |
38 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Biologi | 013 | 2007 | B | 2012-08-03 |
39 | 06 | S2 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Tanaman | 009 | 2007 | B | 2012-05-19 |
40 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Hortikultura | 016 | 2007 | C | 2012-08-03 |
41 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Sastra Inggris | 016 | 2007 | C | 2012-08-03 |
42 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Administrasi Negara | 014 | 2008 | A | 2013-07-05 |
43 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Peternakan | 026 | 2008 | B | 2013-10-24 |
44 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Akuntansi | 026 | 2008 | B | 2013-10-24 |
45 | 06 | D-III | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Produksi Ternak Unggas dan Perah | 022 | 2008 | C | 2013-11-21 |
46 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Keperawatan | 032 | 2008 | C | 2013-12-05 |
47 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Ilmu Komunikasi | 025 | 2009 | A | 2014-08-28 |
48 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Kimia | 025 | 2009 | B | 2014-08-28 |
49 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Fisika | 027 | 2009 | B | 2014-09-11 |
50 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Sastra Indonesia | 027 | 2009 | B | 2014-09-11 |
51 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Matematika | 023 | 2009 | B | 2014-08-13 |
52 | 06 | S1 | Univ. Jenderal Soedirman (UNSOED), Purwokerto | Farmasi | 042 | 2010 | C | 2015-01-22 |
Done by the opening of the Minister of PTIP - Prof. Dr. TOJIB HADIWIDJAJA, on Sunday 27 November 1963, at the home office for Resident Banyumas in Purwokerto. Some consideration of the General Soedirman name to the University are: a statue of General Soedirman 1. In the preparation and establishment of this University, Forces, from level to level Regional Center, which does not give shareholders a little. 2. General Soedirman deceased, as Mr. TNI, the deformed and can not be faint tauladan for next generation, the birth of the Banyumas. 3. Already since the beginning we realize that the organization needed a University of diligent, thorough, ongoing and unbroken, has a view of the far future, not forgetting the fact now (that is), as has been inherited by the deceased General Soedirman, with the spirit " progressive persist - and do not give up, in baktinya donate to charity Nusa, Nation and State. 4. Hopefully, with the name of General monumentalize Soedirman, alumni UnSoed have soul, spirit and a good time, dare to defend the truth, honesty, justice and ketaqwaan to God and able to continue the struggle that has dirintis General Soedirman by the deceased during his life. As described above, that in the process of preparing the UnSoed, role Forces is very much help. This is caused by several reasons, among others: 1. The statement thanked the leaders of the Forces (deceased General A. Jani) Banyumas to the community and surrounding areas, for assistance in crushing throng IN / TII in the border areas of Central Java and West Java. 2. As a statement of respect and appreciation for the service and deceased Panglima Besar Jenderal Soedirman war on Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, the monument didirikanlah life, is UnSoed. Soedirman University General was established with a decree from the President of the Republic of Indonesia dated 23 September 1963 Number: 195 1963 and Decree PTIP Minister on 25 November 1963, number 153 1963. In the beginning General Soedirman University has 3 faculties namely: Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Economics. The faculty-faculty, prepared by the Pembina Foundation for the University General Soedirman. Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture inaugurated a branch of the University of Diponegoro Semarang with Letters The Minister of Higher Education and Science on 20 September 1962. Faculty of Biology and Faculty of Economics Faculty Affairs inaugurated as the Decree and the Ministry of Higher Sciences on 9 October 1963, number 127 1963. Head of the State University of General Soedirman have in the presidium of the members appointed by the Minister of Higher Education and Science with a decree dated 11 October 1963 the number 10200/UP/11/63, that changed with the decree dated 29 October 1963 the number 12242/UP/63, the start date of 17 August 1963. The decision is in accordance with the members of presidium are: 1. SOEMARDJITO: Resident Banyumas, as Chairman, double-members. 2. Letkol SOEGIHARTO: DANREM 071/WIJAYAKUSUMA, as Member. 3rd R. Soeroso, SH: Attorney General Affairs Coordinator Karesidenan Banyumas, as members. 4th R. KRIHARTO: Head of Regional Police Inspectorate Karesidenan Banyumas, as a member. 5. Dr. HRBOENJAMIN: Dean of Faculty of Agriculture, as a member. On 3 July 1965 the Head of the University General Soedirman dijabat Letkol by chk. RFSOEDARDI , the SH was appointed as first Rector of the University by the Minister of Science and with the Decree No. 5400/Sekret/BUP/1965 date of 18 June 1965. With a decree Minister of Higher Education and Science on 3 December 1965 the number 275 1965 dibukalah Faculty Livestock General Soedirman University, relegation from the Islamic University in Yogyakarta Indonesia Purwokerto branch. The receipt is done on 10 February 1966. The development of the next Rector of the University General Soedirman through Kep. 022/PT30.Y/E.1979 formed the Committee for the Faculty of menjajagi possibility law and hold a consultation with a faculty of law at several universities that have been born earlier, such as: University of Indonesia, Padjadjaran University, Diponegoro University, Gadjah Mada University Based on the results of the consultation, the Committee make a complete plan for establishing the Faculty of Law. Through the telegram dated 13 May 1981 Director of Academic Development Services on behalf of the Director General of Higher Education Department of P & K, Faculty of Law, University General Soedirman students can start receiving academic year 1981/1982. Then based on Presidential Decree No. 50/1982 of the Faculty of Law officially became one of the Faculty of the University environment General Soedirman. With the establishment of the Faculty of Law, the University General Soedirman until the year 1981 has 5 faculties and 3 Diploma Program: 1. Faculty of Agriculture, 2nd Faculty of Biology 3rd Faculty of Animal Husbandry 4. Faculty of Economics 5th Medium 3 Faculty of Law Diploma Program is the : 1st Diploma Education Specialist Financial Administration 2. Kesekretariatan Diploma Education Specialist 3rd Diploma Education Specialist Livestock and Poultry Perah Next disahkannya has been with the Master Plan Development (RIP) University General Soedirman years 1981 - 1991 and Five Year Plan First University (REUNLITA I) year 1983-1988 was adopted a policy to memprogramkan establishment or the establishment of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) in the 1984/1985 academic year. In order to achieve the goal of education then the Rector of the University FISIP Soedirman General has established the Committee or the establishment of the Decree FISIP no. kept. 81/PT30.Y/X 1983. unsoed results sekarangSebagai Activities Committee, based on the SK Dir. Jend. Dikti No.29/DIKTI/Kep/1984 on 17 May 1984, start of academic year 1985/1986 have been opened by two program, namely S1 State Administration and Sociology at the Faculty of Law. Mendikbud Through Decree No.: kept. 0377/O/1993 on 21 October 1993, the Sociology Program and the State Administration under the shelter of the Faculty of Law has become the official Faculty of Social and Political Science. Business development of the University General Soedirman followed by the establishment of the Master's Program (MM) in 1996 based on the Director General SK Dikti Depdikbud No. 205/Dikti/Kept/1996 on 10 July 1996. In the year 1997 based on the Sk No Rector. 102/J23 / PP/1997 opened in May 1997 Diploma Program 3 (three), namely: 3 Accounting Diploma Program, Diploma Program 3 English and 3 Diploma Program Management Resources The Life (MSHP) is further agreed with the Director General of the Decree No Dikti. 05/DIKTI/Kept ./1999 on 7 January 1999.
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