State University of Medan is the state universities in Medan, Indonesia, established on June 23, 1963. Rector of State University of Medan in the year 2007 are Drs. Shawwal Gultom, M. Pd, which replaces Prof. Dr. Djanius Djamin, SH., MS.
State University of Medan or UNIMED is one of three public universities in the city of Medan, North Sumatra Province. The students not only from all provinces in Indonesia, but also from neighboring countries, especially Malaysia. in 1956, several prominent educators in the North Sumatra University Teacher Education opens called PTPG. The idea is sponsored by prof. Abbas Manopo Ani, SH., At which time it served as Dean of the Faculty of Law and Knowledge Society of North Sumatra University (USU), G. Sianipar, Head of Community Education and Inspection RM Simanjuntak, Director of SMA Negeri 1 Medan. Changes in Teachers' Training College became the University of Medan is intended as an effort to improve the quality of implementation of Education Workforce Education Institutions (LPTK). This change in turn is placed in an attempt to improve the quality of graduates that are considered relevant to answer the needs of development in various fields.
No. | Region | Level | College | Programme | Decrees No. | Years Decree | Rank | Expired |
1 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Seni Drama, Tari dan Musik | 002 | 1998 | C | 2001-12-21 |
2 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Tata Busana | 023 | 2005 | C | 2008-12-22 |
3 | 01 | D-II | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Guru Taman Kanak-kanak (PGTK) | 003 | 2005 | C | 2008-12-22 |
4 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Sastra Inggris | 029 | 2006 | C | 2009-02-02 |
5 | 01 | D-II | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD) | 004 | 2006 | C | 2009-01-12 |
6 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Teknologi Pendidikan | 028 | 2006 | C | 2009-01-26 |
7 | 01 | S2 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Linguistik Terapan Bahasa Inggris | 002 | 2006 | C | 2009-05-11 |
8 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Keuangan dan Perbankan | 007 | 2005 | A | 2010-07-07 |
9 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Tata Boga | 024 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-27 |
10 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Kimia | 024 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-27 |
11 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Teknik Sipil | 013 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-08 |
12 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Administrasi Bisnis | 005 | 2005 | B | 2010-06-08 |
13 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Akuntansi | 007 | 2005 | B | 2010-07-07 |
14 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Teknik Elektronika | 013 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-08 |
15 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Teknik Elektro | 013 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-08 |
16 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Akuntansi | 024 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-27 |
17 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Seni Tari | 024 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-27 |
18 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Teknik Energi | 006 | 2005 | B | 2010-06-23 |
19 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Teknik Bangunan | 023 | 2005 | B | 2010-12-22 |
20 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Teknik Mesin | 005 | 2005 | B | 2010-06-08 |
21 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Sejarah | 033 | 2006 | A | 2011-02-23 |
22 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Tata Niaga | 004 | 2006 | B | 2011-06-01 |
23 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Bahasa Perancis | 004 | 2006 | B | 2011-06-01 |
24 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran | 001 | 2006 | B | 2011-05-04 |
25 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Biologi | 028 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-26 |
26 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Teknik Mesin | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
27 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Matematika | 029 | 2006 | B | 2011-02-02 |
28 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Akuntansi | 009 | 2006 | B | 2011-07-27 |
29 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Ilmu Keolahragaan | 028 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-26 |
30 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olah Raga | 028 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-26 |
31 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Luar Sekolah | 029 | 2006 | B | 2011-02-02 |
32 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK) | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
33 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) | 030 | 2006 | B | 2011-02-09 |
34 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Jasmani, Kesehatan dan Rekreasi | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
35 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Biologi | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
36 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris | 028 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-26 |
37 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Fisika | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
38 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Jasmani Sekolah | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
39 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Administrasi Pendidikan | 038 | 2006 | B | 2011-03-23 |
40 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Seni Musik | 030 | 2006 | B | 2011-02-09 |
41 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Manajemen | 028 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-26 |
42 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman | 026 | 2006 | B | 2011-01-12 |
43 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Seni Rupa | 032 | 2006 | B | 2011-02-16 |
44 | 01 | S2 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Kimia | 025 | 2007 | B | 2012-12-29 |
45 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia | 014 | 2009 | B | 2014-06-12 |
46 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Fisika | 006 | 2009 | B | 2014-04-30 |
47 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Kimia | 016 | 2009 | B | 2014-06-26 |
48 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Geografi | 038 | 2009 | B | 2014-12-04 |
49 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Matematika | 028 | 2009 | B | 2014-09-16 |
50 | 01 | S2 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Teknologi Pendidikan | 014 | 2009 | B | 2014-11-20 |
51 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Sastra Indonesia | 014 | 2009 | C | 2014-06-12 |
52 | 01 | D-III | Univ. Negeri Medan | Teknik Sipil | 021 | 2009 | C | 2014-09-11 |
53 | 01 | D-III | Univ. Negeri Medan | Teknik Mesin | 005 | 2009 | C | 2014-05-15 |
54 | 01 | S1 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Pendidikan Teknik Elektro | 026 | 2009 | C | 2014-09-05 |
55 | 01 | D-III | Politeknik Negeri Medan | Teknik Telekomunikasi | 001 | 2009 | C | 2014-04-02 |
56 | 01 | S2 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Antropologi Sosial | 013 | 2009 | C | 2014-11-13 |
57 | 01 | S2 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Administrasi Pendidikan | 018 | 2010 | B | 2015-01-08 |
58 | 01 | S2 | Univ. Negeri Medan | Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan (IESP) | 018 | 2010 | C | 2015-01-08 |
State University of Medan is the state universities in Medan, Indonesia, established on June 23, 1963. Rector of State University of Medan in the year 2007 are Drs. Shawwal Gultom, M. Pd, which replaces Prof. Dr. Djanius Djamin, SH., MS.
State University of Medan or UNIMED is one of three public universities in the city of Medan, North Sumatra Province. The students not only from all provinces in Indonesia, but also from neighboring countries, especially Malaysia. in 1956, several prominent educators in the North Sumatra University Teacher Education opens called PTPG. The idea is sponsored by prof. Abbas Manopo Ani, SH., At which time it served as Dean of the Faculty of Law and Knowledge Society of North Sumatra University (USU), G. Sianipar, Head of Community Education and Inspection RM Simanjuntak, Director of SMA Negeri 1 Medan. Changes in Teachers' Training College became the University of Medan is intended as an effort to improve the quality of implementation of Education Workforce Education Institutions (LPTK). This change in turn is placed in an attempt to improve the quality of graduates that are considered relevant to answer the needs of development in various fields.
Institutional changes to the State University of Medan, which was inaugurated in February 2000 undertaken by the Decree Presidential Decree. 124 Year 1999, dated October 7, 1999 resulted in changes in the functions of the institutions that previously only the majors to manage the areas / educational study program (Sis) is a Bachelor of Education (S. Pd), after becoming a university is also finishing a Bachelor of Science (S. Si) in the field of majors / non-formal educational courses.
Starting school year 2000/2001, the provision of education in the UNIMED in educational programs and nonkependidikan conducted with reference to the format of the curriculum together for the weight of six semester-called "Joint Curriculum Nonkependidikan Six Semester Program and Education" which was started in ta 2000/2001. With this format is expected to increase the quality of graduates in both majors / courses of study participants primarily on educational programs (Bachelor of Education / S.Pd) because they have the same ability with sciences program participants nonkependidikan (Bachelor of Science / S.Si)
1 Drs. Shawwal Gultom, M. Pd R e k t o r 2 Prof. Congratulations Triono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Rector first 3 Drs. Chairul Azmi, M. Pd Vice Rector II 4 Drs. Binary Ambarita, M.Pd. Dr Provost III 5. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd. Vice Rector Dr. IV 6. Ibrahim Gultom Dr. Dean FIP 7. Dean Ansari Khairil FBS 8 Drs. Restu, M.S. Dean Prof. FIS 9. Drs. Manihar Situmorang, M.Sc. Science Faculty Dean Prof 10. Congratulations Triono, M.Sc., Ph.D., Dean of the FT 11 Drs. Basyaruddin Daulay, M.Pd. Dean FIK 12 Drs. Kustoro Budiarta, M.E. Dean Prof. FE 13. Dr. Belferik Manullang Director of Graduate
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